St. Croix Base Ball Club








Lumberjack Days Tournament - July 27, 2008

The captain's official game account:

Lumberjack Days Matches see exciting base ball

For the eleventh year, the St. Croix Base Ball Club has crossed bats with nearby clubs for the enjoyment of many who love the National Pastime.

In the first match, the Quicksteps hit the ball hard and made some fine plays against the Afton Red Socks. The Afton Club, full of youth, also made some fine plays but was unable to strike well when needed. The final score of the first match of the day was the Quicksteps 13 aces to Afton Red Socks 0 aces tallied.

The next match saw the Quicksteps against the St. Croix Club. This match was by far the best match of the day. The St. Croix's were sent to strike first and tallied twice on the swift defense of the Quicksteps. In their half of the first, the Quicksteps tied the match and going into the second inning all those watching knew this match was to be closely played.

The second inning saw some base running by the St. Croix's with again another two aces tallied, but the Quicksteps came back and tallied five times in their second with help from a couple miscues in the field by the St. Croix's and some long fly balls by the Quicksteps.

Neither club tallied in their third, but the St. Croix's came back with four aces in their fourth to over take the stubborn Quicksteps 8 to 7 after four completed innings.

Each club tallied once in their fifth and the St. Croix's tallied three times in their sixth with fine base running by Mr. Robinson and Liberty. The Quicksteps added another in their sixth making the score of the match 12 aces for the St. Croix's and 9 for the Quicksteps after six innings.

The seventh and eighth innings was no aces tallied for either club, but in their half of the ninth inning the Quicksteps had tallied once and had men on each base with two hands down. A sharp hit ball went to a St. Croix fielder and a force out was made but the crowd that had gathered were on the edge of their seats until the final out was made.

The final score of the match was the St. Croix's 12 aces and the Quicksteps 10 aces.

The last match of the day featured the St. Croix's and the Afton Red Socks.

The heat of the afternoon and the previously played matches seemed to make this last contest and afterthought in the pages of the days events. However, this match also proved to be a good one in the field for the Afton Club as well as the St. Croix's.

The St. Croix's were sent into the field by the Afton Club to begin the match. The Afton's tallied no aces in their first but the St. Croix's were able to score once on the fine fielding Afton Club.

After no scoring in the second inning by either club, the St. Croix's scored one ace in their half of the third inning and another two in their fourth. The St. Croix's finished the scoring in the seventh inning with one more ace tallied.

The Afton Club had some fine hits but came with either no other Afton player on base or with two outs. Some fine fielding by the St. Croix's also limited the scoring opportunities for the Afton Club which tallied no aces during the match.

The final score of the match was the St. Croix's 5, Afton 0.

For the St. Croix’s, the new player Marty tallied three aces for the two matches while Mr. Wittrock, Mr. Sjogren, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Robinson, and Liberty all tallied twice and Mr. Rose, Mr. Ebnet, Mr. Smith and Mr. Cagley all added one tally each to the club.

Crowd watches the match featuring the Afton Red Socks and the Quicksteps.

Quicksteps give three "Huzzahs" to the Afton Club.

Mr. Thornley of the Quicksteps, strikes the ball against the St. Croix.

Mr. Tholkes, of the Quicksteps, at first base with St. Croix first base man Mr. Sjogren.

Mr. Pfundstein, St. Croix hurler, lets the ball go towards home base.

Mr. Orcutt, of the Afton Club, at the bat vs. the St. Croix.

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