Metrodome Photos - 2007
The captain's official game account:
The Saint Croix Base Ball Club of the Washington County Historical Society began its 10th season as a vintage base ball club with an exhibition of the sport at the Metrodome in Minneapolis. The exhibition took place before the Minnesota Twins - Detroit Tigers game on Mother's Day and the St. Croix's participated in the event with the Quicksteps.
Each Club member got a chance to bat and then nine went out into the field. The St. Croix's had Don "Pieso" Hammer on teh mound doing the hurling and the rest of the club supported him with fine defense.
Mr. Stew Thornley, Minnesota Baseball historian, announced the event with the enthusiasm as if he were on the field playing.
The entire event took about 20 minutes and it showcased how baseball was and still is the National Pastime.

Members of the St. Croix Base Ball Club on the field at the Metrodome.

Warming up before the exhibition.

Saint Croix's prepare to strike at Metrodome exhibition.

Members of the Quicksteps and St. Croix's.

St. Croix's and Quicksteps exit the field.
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