St. Croix Base Ball Club








Little Falls : June 25, 2006

The captain's official game account:

St. Croix’s win two matches in Little Falls

The Saint Croix Base Ball Club was invited to play two match games of base ball in the Mississippi River city of Little Falls, Minnesota on Sunday June 25, 2006. Although some of the St. Croix players could not make the journey to Little Falls, Bob “Slow trot” Tholkes of the Quicksteps, and Adam “Jessop” Cagley joining the nine for the matches enhanced the club.

The first match was called by Umpire Duane “Chairman” Thein at 3 pm. The Little Falls Kiwanis Club nine, led by former United States Senator Rod Grams, went to strike first. The St. Croix’s tallied one in their first, but were behind the local nine in the first several innings. The St. Croix’s tallied three aces in their third, four in their fifth, and three more in their sixth. The Kiwanis nine tallied only three aces but did some fine fielding and striking of their own. The final tally of the match was the Little Falls Kiwanis Club nine three aces and the St. Croix’s eleven aces.

After a brief intermission, the St. Croix’s then crossed bats with the Little Falls Victory League nine, the match being called at 6 pm by Mr. Thein. The St. Croix’s were again sent to strike first and the intermission must have helped the tired nine as they tallied six aces in their first. The Victory League nine had some mighty strikers, one sending the sphere out of site and made a four base hit.

The St. Croix’s continued to strike well, tallying three in their second, and two aces each in their third and fourth. The St. Croix’s finished their work by tallying four more aces in their seventh giving them a total of 17 aces for the match. The Victory League club also made some aces, scoring a total of eight against the St. Croix’s. The final score being 17 to 8 in favor of the visiting St. Croix nine.

For the St. Croix’s, Patrick “Greenhorn” Pfundstein tallied four aces in the final match and Erik “Sugar” Sjogren tallied three aces in the final match as did Brent “Skinny” Peterson. In the first match, Jim “Count” Wyman, Mr. Tholkes and Mr. Sjogren tallied twice and Mr. Peterson tallied three aces.

The Little Falls clubs were the best of hosts and it is hoped that other match games can be played in the near future in the Little Falls community.


Copyright 2003-2006 Washington County Historical Society