Northfield, MN - July 4, 2011

Parker “Twist” Foss, Scott “Bear Trap” Foss & Mike “Widowmaker” Anlauf wait for the start of the match.

Marty “Squirrel” Jurek leads off the match against the Northfield Silver Stars below Old Main on the campus of St. Olaf College.

Patrick “Portsider” Pfundstein drives a “daisy-cutter” through the infield.

Dan “Basher” Cagley watches the pitch by the Northfield hurler.

Mr. Pfundstein tallies one ace for the St. Croix’s.

Erik “Sugar” Sjogren takes a mighty swing.

Jody “Sidewinder” Ebnet at the bat.

“Kid” Liberty – the St. Croix hurler.

St. Croix third baseman Mr. Sjogren and left fielder Mr. Cagley in the field.

St. Croixs after the match on the 4th of July in Northfield, Minnesota.
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