St. Croix Base Ball Club








Stillwater Lumberjack Days Tournament - July 21, 2007

The captain's official game account:

Vintage Base Ball returns to Stillwater

Another Stillwater Lumberjack Days comes along which means a great day full of vintage base ball at the Old Athletic Field in Stillwater.

The first match of the afternoon saw the Saint Croix's take on the Afton Red Socks. The Red Socks went to bat first and had men at each base without anyone out. The Red Socks managed to have one ace score, but the defense of the St. Croix's allowed no more. The bottom of the inning had Mr. Wittrock lead off for the St. Croix's with a solid base hit, and he got as far as third base when the third out was made. After one inning, the Afton club led the St. Croix's by the score of 1 to 0.

The Red Socks scored no aces in their second while the St. Croix's took the lead in the match by scoring two aces in their half of the second.

The St. Croix's defense was solid the entire match, allowing no more aces for the Afton nine. The St. Croix's hitters carried heavy willows and scored four aces in their third, three in their fifth, five in their sixth and four more in their seventh.

After seven innings, the match was called because of the time with the St. Croix's declared the winner of the match by the score of 18 to 1. For the St. Croix's, Mr. Cagley and Mr. Ebnet both tallied four aces; Mr. Sjogren tallied three times; Mr. Hammer tallied twice and Mr. Wittrock, Mr. Pfundstein, Mr. Smith, Mr. Rose and Mr. Peterson all tallied once.

The second match of the day saw the Afton Club playing against the Quicksteps. This match was also shortened due to time and the Afton Club defeated the Quicksteps by the score of 8 to 1.

The last match of the day had the St. Croix's against the Quicksteps in 1866 rules. Those rules allowed stealing and the ball had to be caught on the fly in fair territory for the striker to be out. There were also called balls and strikes by Umpire Mr. Richardson.

The St. Croix's began and scored three times in the first, and the Quicksteps matched that in their half of the inning. The St. Croix's added two more in their second while the Quicksteps did not cross home plate. The St. Croix's would later talley nine times in their third and another six times in their fourth for a total of 20 aces. The Quicksteps played as well as the St. Croix's, scoring 18 aces in their four innings. The match was called after the fourth inning due to players having to catch the last stage to St. Paul.

The assembled crowds of the afternoon enjoyed a great scene of base ball from the 1860s. They wished the visiting clubs well and hoped they would return again next year during the Stillwater celebration of Lumberjack Days.

Crowd gathers at the Lumberjack Days matches in Stillwater.

Mr. Hammer pitches to the Afton Red Socks Captain Mr. Orcutt as St. Croix behind Mr. Rose readies for the pitch.

The St. Croixs vs. Afton Red Socks.

Mr. Arpi strikes for the St. Croixs.

The Afton pitcher waits for the next striker.

Mr. Ludloff, of the Quicksteps, waits for his pitch.

The Quicksteps pitcher delivers the ball.

Mr. Smith strikes for the St. Croixs.

Mr. Wittrock at the bat in a match of 1866 rules with the Quicksteps.

Mr. Pfundstein striking with Umpire Richardson looking on.

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