Bruno - August 18, 2007
The captain's official game account:
St. Croix's Defeat Bruno on rainy afternoon
The St. Croix Base Ball Club traveled to Bruno, Minnesota to take on the Bruno Fearless Firemen in a match game of ball on August 18th.
The travel from Washington County was a wet one, but as the club got closer to the Promised Land, the rain let up and the field was in good enough condition so that the match between these two friendly rivals could take place.
With Birdie playing the National Anthem on the organ, the match got underway. Many town folks from across the country side came into town for the event, and the St. Croix's began the match in the field. They held the Bruno strikers to no aces and then struck in their half of the first inning.
The St. Croix's started hitting the ball hard from the first at bat. They tallied four aces and would have tallied more in the first inning had it not been for some outstanding fielding by the Bruno club. The St. Croix's tallied no aces in their second but added three more in their third. In their fourth, they tallied not one ace, but three in their fifth. The St. Croix's tallied four in their seventh and two more in their eighth.
The Bruno sluggers hit the ball hard all afternoon but right at the sure handed St. Croix outfielders. The home club, with throngs of people behind them, tallied one ace in their sixth, but did not tally again.
The final score of the match was the St. Croix Base Ball Club 16 and the Bruno Fearless Firemen 1. After the contest, there was a fine meal prepared and the hospitality of the Bruno citizens again overwhelmed the members of the visiting nine.
For the St. Croix's, Mr. Ebnet led the afternoon match by tallying four aces. Mr. Cagley and Mr. Sjogren both added three tallies each and Mr. Pfundstein and Mr. Arpi tallied one ace apiece.
A special note about the roster of the St. Croix's for this match was the senior Mr. Sjogren agani joining the club on the diamond. He is smooth in the field and had several fine strikes of the ball, unfortunately landing in the soft hands of the Bruno fielders. The St. Croix's wish to see more of Mr. Sjogren senior in the coming matches of the season.

Mr. Pfundstein leads off the match for the St. Croixs.

Umpire Mr. Thein talks to the Bruno bench as the crowd watches the action on the field.

Bruno Fearless Fireman at the bat.

Mr. Wittrock playing third base for the St. Croixs.

Miss Birdie, of Bruno, readies to play the organ.

St. Croix first baseman Mr. Sjogren with a Bruno runner base.

Mr. Pfundstein arrives at third base after a clean three base hit.

Mr. Ebnet follows the flight of the ball.

Mr. Rose and Mr. Thein watch the action on the field.

Mr. Arpi pitches for the St. Croixs.
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