Metrodome Photos - 2006

Devil Dog, Greenhorn, & Pieso prepare in the Halsey Hall room before the exhibition.

Members of the Quicksteps and St. Croix's in the Halsey Hall room before the exhibition.

Sugar, Basher & Rock watch the field before the exhibition.

Saint Croix Base Ball Club at the Metrodome.

Saint Croix's prepare to strike first at Metrodom exhibition

Rock prepares to lead off for the Saint Croix's

Crooks readies himself for the exhibition.

Devil Dog stretches before striking.

K-Man, Redneck & Sugar watch the action on the field.

Pieso awaits the pitch

Basher at the bat.

Pieso hurls to the Quicksteps

St. Croix's give the Quicksteps three Huzzah's

St. Croix's and Quicksteps exit the field.
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