Afton Red Socks game photos - 2005
All taken at the first game, Lake St. Croix Beach Ball Park at W. R. Pettitt Park, May 15, 2005, by Deano Thilgen.

Game site.

The opposition.

Captain Brent "Skinny" Peterson prepares for the forthcoming game.

Quentin "Rock" Wittrock is second up to strike.

Rock takes his second.

The first tally.

Captain Brent "Skinny" Peterson.

The Afton club's pitcher.

Christina "Piney" Pitra.

Stan "Inky" Pitra takes the umpire role while daughter Piney takes her place behind home base.

Dan "Basher" Cagley in the outfield.

Third baseman Quentin "Rock" Wittrock.


Did "The Count"'s run to the third base count?

Sidewinder at the first base.

Center fielder Erik "Sugar" Sjogren tracks the ball below the clouds.

Left fielder Dan "Basher" Cagley catches one on the fly.

Second baseman Neal "Devil Dog" Rose throws to the first base.

Leslie "Hotdish" Kadish picks up where she left off in the 2002 season, only to discover there are no spare uniforms. This hopefully will be recified when the St. Croix gets red shirts, just like the 1867 club wore.

Don "Pieso" Hammer throws to the first base.

Jody "Sidewinder" Ebnet positions himself at the first base.

Patrick "Greenhorn" Pfundstein keeps his eye on the ball a split second before striking the ball.

Dan "Basher" Cagley sprints to the third base.

Jody "Sidewinder" Ebnet and a Red Socks player at the first base.

Quentin "Rock" Wittrock at the third base.

Patrick "Greenhorn" Pfundstein prepares his throw to the first base.

Captain Skinny in his closing oration thanks the spectators and invites them to next Saturday's game against the Cream Citys of Milwaukee.

After the game, the bar next door.